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ESSER III Funding Made Simple:
We’ll Guide You Every Step of the Way 

Maximize your ESSER III funding with Bluum's comprehensive funding guidance and strategic planning support for school districts. Start your ESSER assessment today!  





Bluum's Comprehensive ESSER III Funding Guidance for School Districts


Don't Let ESSER III Funding Deadlines Add Stress 

With billions of dollars left to be spent, school districts are faced with the daunting question of sustainability. How will school districts be able to support these purchases after the funding ends?  That's where we come in.

Bluum's ESSER III Funding Support Process

ESSER Funding Step1

We invite you to complete an assessment for ESSER III funding allocation.

ESSER Funding Step2


Unlock the opportunity to win a Free ESSER III Assessment and gain valuable insights into optimizing your educational budget. Our assessment is designed to help you make informed decisions on fund allocation. Once completed, we provide you with a tailored recommendation to strategically prioritize your next investments, ensuring they have a significant positive impact on student outcomes. Don't miss this chance to make your resources count where it matters most.

ESSER Funding Step3

Then, we provide justification for the recommended technology class or category based on your district's budget and needs, which you can use to apply for funding.

ESSER Funding Step4

Finally, we offer support and guidance in navigating the state-specific ESSER III procedures.


ESSER Funding Webinar 

Questions about ESSER funding? Join us on August 23, 2023, where we will explore a strategic planning approach to effectively allocate your ESSER funds towards instructional technologies that maximize student engagement in learning. We will provide a comprehensive overview of the timeline for spending ESSER funds, introduce you to our powerful ESSER assessment tool, discuss strategic planning recommendations, and highlight the ways in which our grants and funding advisor can support your work.


ESSER Funding webinar on Aug. 23, 2023

Chance to Win:
Free ESSER Assessment 


Unlock the opportunity to win a free ESSER III Assessment and gain valuable insights into optimizing your educational budget. Our assessment is designed to help you make informed decisions on educational fund allocation. Once completed, we provide you with a tailored recommendation to strategically prioritize your next investments, ensuring they have a significant positive impact on student outcomes. Don't miss this chance to make your resources count where it matters most.


filling out an assessment on a laptop

Free Learning Portal 


Investing in ESSER is a significant commitment, and ensuring its sustainability is paramount. Explore Bluum's dedicated learning portal, designed exclusively for educators, to make informed and sustainable choices. Our platform, which is both free and flexible, offers a wealth of resources spanning diverse topics such as virtual reality, esports, interactive flat panels, and more. Learn how to navigate BluumED with our how-to video.



ESSER Deadline Updates:
What You Should Know


Join us on October 26, 2023 for a breakdown of the US Department of Education's ESSER III deadline updates. We will review the latest updates in ESSER III spending, review our ESSER Assessment tool, discuss strategic planning recommendations and how we can support your work with our grants and funding advisor.


Join us for the ESSER DEadline Update  webinar on Oct. 26

Professional Development Services


Bluum's professional development team plays a vital role in assisting schools and districts in sustaining ESSER funding. The team can design both live and remote customized professional development that align with ESSER funding priorities, ensuring that schools can maximize the impact of these resources on student achievement and well-being. By providing targeted support and resources, Bluum empowers educational leaders to make informed decisions, optimize ESSER funding utilization, and ultimately foster sustainable improvements in their institutions.


professional development team teaching

Trusted Partners


SMART, AVID, Legrand | AV and Google solutions can transform your classroom into a hub of modern learning.

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Get Started

Don't let the looming deadline and intricacies of ESSER III funding allocation stress you. 

Connect with our Educational Services team to request a quote for a comprehensive ESSER audit & consultation, receive grant and funding guidance, or book a free 30-minute consultation with our Educational Strategist.  





Read more about ESSER funding and how to get the support you need for your school district.

Strategic Planning for ESSER Extension

Learn about the Strategic Planning for ESSER Extension

Essentials for Modern Learning

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Made For the Way You Teach

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Strategic Planning for ESSER Allocations

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Navigating Planning Beyond ESSER III in EdTech 

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